
Advancing Research

on Ethereum Preconfirmations

Advancing Research

on Ethereum Preconfirmations

Advancing Research on Ethereum Preconfirmations

Through rigorous research and engineering, we aim to uncover the potential of preconfirmations and contribute to a more efficient, fair, and secure Ethereum network for all participants.

Through rigorous research and engineering, we aim to uncover the potential of preconfirmations and contribute to a more efficient, fair, and secure Ethereum network for all participants.

Through rigorous research and engineering, we aim to uncover the potential of preconfirmations and contribute to a more efficient, fair, and secure Ethereum network for all participants.

Contributions to Preconfirmation Research

Contributions to Preconfirmation Research

Contributions to Preconfirmation Research

Stay informed with Switchboard's latest research

Stay informed with Switchboard's latest research

Stay informed with Switchboard's latest research

Based Preconfirmations with Multi-round MEV-Boost

We propose multi-round MEV-Boost, a modification of MEV-Boost that enables based preconfirmations by running multiple rounds of MEV-Boost auctions within a single slot. This approach inherits the L1 PBS pipeline and mitigates the negative externalities of based preconfirmations as a result.

Value-Capturing Based Rollups with Based Preconfirmations

A protocol that enables based rollups to capture value from block building while allowing for based preconfirmations, addressing the initial design’s lack of revenue capture for rollups.

The Preconfirmation Sauna

Decentralized preconfirmers come with significant tradeoffs that will likely make them impractical for the forseeable future. The preconfirmation sauna creates a repeated game amongst permissionless preconfirmers…

Strawmanning Based Preconfirmations

This research analyzes a simple "strawman" preconfirmation setup, identifying its shortcomings and highlighting challenges that future solutions must address to mitigate negative externalities.


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